Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Hey everyone, I've started to listen to everyone's work, and it all sounds great so far. Just a quick note about my album, "Wreckless Imitation". First of all, I seem to have miss spelled reckless. Oops. Second, I started working on the album not knowing if I was going to want vocals or not, so I decided not to worry about them. Having completed these songs I realize that vocals would add a lot to them, so I plan to have lyrics and eventually add vocals, which would likely be done by Logan (check out his album "The Gnashing"). Third, because of this, the song titles and album title are subject to change based on whatever lyrics are added to them later on. I simply added these titles for Record Time presentation purposes only. Hope you enjoy it!

Andrew Miller


  1. yeah my band name is Oryx and the Crakers not Oryx and the Crackers...but i think anyone who read/knows of the book will get a kick out of it

  2. Dammit you two!

    Andrew, I thought you misspelled it intentionally, as "Wreckless" is pretty cool (in a redneck/monster truck sort of way).

    And I apologize for the Oryx track...guess we can't all be as smart as Booky McBookerton here.

  3. too bad "crackers" wasn't intentional. lol

  4. No, sadly I actually just misspelled it...but we can go with thinking it's cool for being misspelled, I'm okay with that.
