Monday, October 12, 2009

Night 1, Day 1

Yikes. So much music already. I've got 5 songs "written," that is, mapped out in Pro Tools with basic guitar and drum tracks. I have a bit of a weird medieval sound on some of these songs, which I think I'm going to try and run with throughout the album.

I think I'm going to chicken out of my 40-minute goal...I decided these songs need to be as dense as possible, so I want as much time as I can get to layer keyboards like crazy. Same goes for vocals. So 30 minutes it is, but I think it'll be 7 songs instead of my usual 5.

The music is taking a very unexpected turn's REALLY soft. I've got one heavy song and 4 songs with almost no distortion whatsoever. Along with the new tuning, this is a really weird sound for me. I'm even thinking of using my SM57 for vocals instead of my NT1-A, just to really freak myself out.

I also want to report that Record Time V is getting big. We've got 90 people on the Facebook event, and of that, I expected maybe 20 people to actually follow through. But I've already counted up the folks that I know will finish something, and it's easily much closer to 30...and that's only counting people I know or who have done it before. I've been getting e-mail after e-mail from strangers who want in, and seem pretty excited about it. And why shouldn't they be? It's exciting.

Also, I'd like to make everyone aware of a feature on this blog called "comments." It's pretty simple, really, you just click the button and offer your input on a particular post. Use this tool at your leisure!

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